Enhance Your Online Presence

With Aura for Grav CMS

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Aura adds meta tags and structured data to your pages for visually appealing and informative search results and social media sharing.

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Boost SEO

Aura improves the way major search providers including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and Yandex understand what your web pages are about. By adding schema.org code to every page on your site, Aura enables search engines to poll the vital details they require such as page title, description and time last updated in the most efficient way possible.

As well as this, Aura delineates and makes clear to search engines the relationship between the information contained in your pages, such as which person or organisation published an article and where they can be found on social media.

The Sky Lab social engagement icon

Increase social engagement

Aura outputs a plethora of open graph and proprietary metadata as used by social platforms LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to determine the title, description and thumbnail image used when sharing your pages on social media.

With Aura you’ll have complete control over these elements, allowing you to create attention grabbing social media shares and present a professional online image.

The Sky Lab usability icon

Simple to use, powerful results

Did you know that Google, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all rely on different metadata protocols when crawling your pages, whether it be for presentation in a social media post or search engine result? Catering to them all for every page on your site can be a daunting task.

However, with Aura you need only input two pieces of information - your company name and URL - and it will automatically generate over eighteen metatags for each page on your site, boosting SEO and enabling enhanced social media shares.

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